What Do Herbs, Depression, And Anxiety Have In Common?

Most can see the connection between depression and anxiety but not everyone will readily see the connection of herbs, depression (and) anxiety. The connection between the three is that herbs can be used in the treatment of depression as well as anxiety.

There are a number of herbs that can have a positive effect on depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. For now we will take a look at two herbs often used within supplements to treat these mental health issues. Hops and Milk thistle are used in supplements for the most part.

Hops are used for restlessness. It is also used to relieve anxiety, tension, and irritability. Hops are used for insomnia as well. The only drawback to hops is that while it aids anxiety, it may actually increase depressive feelings.

Milk Thistle is also known as Silybum Marianum. It works to protect the liver from chronic and inflammatory liver disease. It can relieve the symptoms of Chronic Hepatitis and may also ease the suffering of cancer. Though the treatment for depression is not specifically mentioned above, in a supplement it works well with other herbs and nutritive agents to treat depression and anxiety.

Depression and anxiety often co-exist. Alone these issues are difficult enough to deal with but for those who suffer with both it is more than difficult at times. Untreated a depressed and anxious person could end up hospitalized or worse. Treated, such people often lead very productive and successful lives.

There is a wide variety of treatments for depression and anxiety. With the increasing trend of turning to almost anything that is natural or organic. This is no less true for those who must take medication for any condition. The biggest concern particularly about prescriptive medications for depression is the serious side effects which could be either decreased sex drive or thoughts of suicide could happen among other things like digestive upsets. Herbs/herbal supplements have far fewer side effects.

There is an important piece of information that you must be made aware of. Though herbs/herbal supplements are natural they may not necessarily be safe, particularly if you take medications for other illness such as High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, or Diabetes. There could be reduced efficacy of these meds. It is imperative that you check with your physician before adding anything especially supplements or exercise to your health regime.

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Mental Health and Anxiety Disorders – What is the Social Impact?

How much is the impact upon mental health due to anxiety disorders? Most sufferers will tell you that the impact is hard to live with. This article looks at the importance and impact of anxiety disorders on the mental health of sufferers.

Anxiety may be a long lasting characteristic if not dealt with properly. It may also be aggravated by working long hours or overtime. Millions and millions of people all over the world are suffering from social phobia disorders. Social problems that were experienced while growing up can contribute to anxiety and mood disorders in later life. Anxiety and depression is also prevalent during pregnancy.

The mental health impact of anxiety disorders is that it can interfere with your daily life and make it difficult to cope with everyday activities, feelings and thoughts. You may feel anxious and uneasy most of the time for no discernible reason. You may even experience a panic attack if you are anxious and stressed too much.

Anxiety disorders are the common cold of mental health problems. It can be broken down into the following categories.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Panic Disorder
Social Phobia
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Do you know it is estimated that anxiety disorders may cost the United States of America around 40 billion dollars a year in health care costs? Social phobias appear to be the most common followed by post-traumatic stress, panic and obsessive compulsive disorder.
Medication may be prescribed by a health care provider to help lessen the anxiety symptoms. You may also receive some psychotherapy. The best approach involves both drug and cognitive-behavioral treatments. This is because mental health anxiety disorders are not caused exclusively by biochemical imbalances.

The possible causes of anxiety attacks and other nervous disorders are numerous. It seems that genetics and family history plays a role. Exposure to long-term stress, traumatic events and poor coping routines will contribute to the development of these disorders.

Mental health anxiety disorders are treatable even though the recovery process may take time. Learning to handle stress and establishing better thought patterns can help you with the recovery process.

Copyright 2008 – Dan Theron. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credi

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